September 30, 2009

Garden Update

Here’s the last harvest from the garden.  Unbelievably, the garden grew even though it didn’t get planted until the end of June.  We’ve enjoyed, salsa, bruschetta, plain tomatoes, salads, and peppers for the last 6-8 weeks.   It’s been a great project for the kids, they’ve loved picking what we need for supper, and watering the garden every now and then.  It sure helped that this summer was pretty cool and had a good amount of rain.
The highlight of the tomato harvest I have to say was the Krim tomato.   It doesn’t look like anything at all.  It is blackish green on top when it’s ripe, the pulp is even green. DSCF4132 So it appears as though it isn’t ripe.  But with a little touch of salt, it’s one of the best tomatoes, I’ve ever come across.

  Cheers to the harvest!

1 comment:

Princess Zaria said...

The tomatoe looks scary. The other veggies look yummy. We have to teach children about gardening