June 6, 2009

Summer's Here!!

So I'm sitting her recuperating from our last Soccer Saturday with the kids watching Mamma Mia. I am warning you I may break into song, you never know...It has been three days since Pumpkin's school ended and it has occurred to me that now is the time to plan our summer schedule or else: Sport will become more addicted to Wii and will be limping around with some game related injury, Pumpkin will be bored and I will lose her to the wilds of the neighborhood having never connected with her. Then there is Tiger...he may never crawl if my head isn't on straight. So this years there is going to have a plan, and we will get the most of these lazy hazy days of summer.

8:30 Get dressed/clean rooms

9:00 Family Time

10:00 Snack

10:15 Open

12:00 Lunch

12:30 D.E.A.R. time

1:00 Quiet time/desk time

2:00 Open

3:00 Snack

3:15 Open

4:30 Make Dinner

6:00 Dinner

6:30 Open

8:00 Get Ready for Bed

9:00 ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz!!!!

So hopefully this will be our guide to follow on the days when we are home and a place to start off with when we come home and Sport says what can I do, what can I do. The goal is to keep them out of the peek sun, do a little school work, plenty of free play, limit the amount of T.V. and computer games played and most of all have fun. "Mamma Mia, here we go again, how can I resist you..." Oops sorry, time to go enjoy the movie. Here's to a great summer!!!

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