November 29, 2010
November 26, 2010
Second Star to the Right and On’Til Morning
April 1, 2010
Shhh…Don’t Tell Anyone
It’s not as though I don’t love my kids and love being with them, but it’s just so rare that I’m by myself for any length of time during the day. Then there was today. My kids, all three of them were at my mother’s, so I could go to a Doctor’s appointment downtown. Amazingly enough I was out of the office in 30 minutes. That never happens, any pediatric appointment takes at least two hours, I have spent literally a total of weeks in the waiting room and examining room over the last 10 1/2 years, but not today. I didn’t even have time to flip through a magazine.
“So what do I do now?” I thought sitting in my car at 10:45 on an absolutely gorgeous day. I could go get my kids, but you know they’re at Grandma’s the last thing they want to see is, well, ME. There is some Easter shopping to do, yard work, and about a million and half other things I could be doing, but you know what I had in my wallet? A membership to the Cleveland Botanical Garden,which is about a mile away from the parking lot. Shhh, don’t tell anyone, I went to the garden and walked around looking at the daffodils and crocuses. I even sat down on a bench and didn’t have to answer to Mom, Mom, Mom, MOM, or chase anyone, shhh, don’t tell anyone. Then the church clock struck 12 and I had to go…
Sometimes life just hands you gifts.
March 24, 2010
Just Plain Fun
March 17, 2010
March 14, 2010
So How Does a Dairy-Free Birthday Cake Work?
March 12, 2010
Check Off The List
February 27, 2010
Did You See That One?
Then they had to go and make this one:
Where did I put that tissue?
February 26, 2010
One Last Hurrah!
As you know my son has been sick most of the winter. At his well appointment, my pediatrician and I decided that it coincided with the introduction of dairy to his diet. As a result, we are now dairy free again. I have to abstain, because I’m going to try and keep nursing until the end of winter, to boost his immunity. It has just been so much easier to figure out what to feed the little, and enjoy some yogurt. It’s come to an end, so this afternoon, I pretended that I had the appointment in the afternoon, and had a slice of coffee cake with a bit of butter (just like my Mormor used to have) and enjoyed my last dairy hurrah for a while.
February 22, 2010
Not to blame anyone…
Ok, I’ve been in a rut. I just haven’t been able to bring myself to blogging lately. I’m so sorry. It may have been the five weeks of illness, winter sports leagues, other responsibilities pulling me left and right, but to be honest it wasn’t any of those excuses. It was this little angel:
This little angel, despite having Roseola and RSV this winter, has decided to go on a developmental spurt. He has started walking, crawling only when needed and as a result do this:
and some more of this:
And on top of that, he’s only wanted to take his naps while picking up my kindergartner from school in the middle of the day or his sister in the afternoon. Don’t tell anyone, I have resorted to letting him nap in the car. If I run my errand remotely around 10:30 a.m he is guaranteed to be asleep wherever I’m going. So, I have sat in my car trying to give him a few more minutes of sleep, I have even left him in the car parked in the garage, I do check in on him.
This has resulted in my free time being spent, picking up after him, rearranging my cabinets and placing locks on them, checking in on him and trying to get him to sleep in his crib.
I don’t want to jinx myself, but I think we have baby proofed the house fairly well, and best of all, I think he’s getting the idea that he needs to sleep in his crib. That may possibly mean that I may have more than 20 minutes to get my head together in my house, not in my car. Shhh, I didn’t just say that. You’ll know if it works, if I start posting more. Keep those fingers crossed if for no other reason for my sanity.
January 7, 2010
Look What My Dad Made
My father has been fascinated with glass blowing as long as I remember. Any historical village that has a glass furnace our family would go and inspected it, any factory that we passed, we would take a “quick tour.” So these days while my dad is “retired” and working more than ever, my brother and mother gave my father glass blowing lessons, and here is a vase he gave me. Isn’t it cool? I just love it!
January 6, 2010
January 3, 2010
Almost made it to the Epiphany
It used to be that decorations were put up closer to Christmas and stayed up past New Years until Epiphany I believe, unfotunatly that’s not the cast anymore. Once Thanksgiving rolls around, the marathon starts and you hardly take a breath until Christmas. At that point you are just TIRED of Christmas and can’t wait to put it all away. Usually, I try to get everything packed up by the second or the third. But since the kids are going back on the fourth I didn’t want to waste a day packing everything away. This year I’m almost going to make it to the Epiphany. Tomorrow, the fourth, the decorations go away for another year. Tonight, I’m going to have a glass of glogg and enjoy the lights for one more night.
January 2, 2010
Knitting Graffiti
January 1, 2010
Happy New Year
A couple of friends of mine did a summary of the last decade and the upcoming decade on Facebook, and I thought that would be a great post for my blog.
In the last 10 years, I partied like it was 1999, I have earned my graduate degree, had two children, that were joined by our third this year. I lived in two houses, said good-bye to two kitties and hello to two more. Have witnessed three children rolling over, and crawling. Sent two children to preschool, kindergarten and one to elementary school, often with trepidation, but only to be won over by incredible teachers. Witnessed these children develop into interesting, caring and wonderful human beings. I’ve been blessed by good friends, a great family, and a terrific husband.
The next decade will bring one child to her freshman year in college (she says Stanford), one will be navigating his way through high school, and the baby will be in elementary school. There will be two more drivers to insure, boyfriend and girlfriend dramas, some of our soccer days will be ceasing, only to start again with the baby. My husband and I will be chip away at our 1,000 things to do list. My friends and family will be healthy and joyous and there will be more peace and love in this world.
I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!